ATTENTION If the button does not work, please contact us to extend your contest.
It is possible that at the end of a contest the client is not ready yet to pick a winner.
Brandsupply gives clients the opportunity to extend the contest with a week for free. This can be activated by clients themselves on the page of the contest.
If the client chooses to extend the contest, designers will automatically receive a notification.
It can be a perfect moment make some adjustments to boost participation:
- Our designers can be anywhere in the world. For non-english clients we strongly recommend to add a translation of the briefing in english. It allows the client to reach a much larger number of designers.
- It is important to give the designers constructive feedback for them to assess how they can better tailor their designs to the wishes of the clients.
- Clients can add references of styles, shapes and colors that they like and want to see incorporated in the design.
- It is possible to scan the portfolios of designers that are active on Brandsupply. Clients can invite designers to take part in their contest through a private message. We have a Top 20 of designers on our website.